Day 0: Starting A 100 day challenge to Build

1 min readJul 9, 2023


For this one i am not really sure on what to build but i always want to set some strict schedule to maintain the consistency for past few months i have been juggling around project and trying to build different things. I thought of putting my efforts to the things I want to really tryout and explore if i really enjoy. One thing i really want to try is Creating Games since I am Game and Anime Fan I am trying to create Casual Games with it. Just want to see how it goes.
Today is sunday so i thought of making it as Day 0 and plan something for it.

Meanwhile I am also thinking to have some channel to post about devlog or any updates. Probably i will go with twitter shorts updates will be better way to track things and once in a while some long updates.
My main motive out of this is to build something while having fun and enjoy the process and explore.

Not so long thing anyway 👋
Follow along with me.

