Lesson Learned From First Product Hunt Launch.

2 min readJan 30, 2023



With an Idea a week back and a barely working MVP, we launched our product on a product hunt. The responses were amazing and unexpected we got into 5th product of the day. Just a week ago we are scared of launching. The whole day of the launch was beyond interesting I was getting dopamine hits with each upvote and comment.

I will share what are the things we haven’t thought about before the launch

  1. Not Forming Community around the product: Since we launched within a week. We didn’t get time to check and form the actual audience. When we launched we send the link to our friends who signed up on that day and hence we got around 20 upvotes by that but that was not useful and we could have avoided that.
  2. Launching Teaser a week before Launch: When we were launching we didn’t check this feature which the product hunt gives for free. You can have a teaser and banner before the launch and people can subscribe to the product.
  3. Scheduling Launch: We didn’t schedule the launch properly and hence we were about half an hour late.


It was a great experience to Launch on product hunt. We are still getting signups and we are working hard to upgrade to next version. Hoping to see you on Platform.

